Monday, October 26, 2015

5 Minutes in October: Whisper


The voices in my head when I am asked "Who am I?" they whisper: 'You're distracted, 
you're disorganized, 
you're a disappointment.' 

I am disappointed and discouraged and discontent with those answers. I am a child of God and I am a disciple of Christ and I long to be a discipler for Him. 

Tonight at small group my friend shared this list of who I am based on Truth found in Scriptures telling me who I am in God's eyes: I am valuable, I am made new, I have the Spirit in me, I am being transformed and I represent Him.  As I listened to that sweet whisper I wondered at the fact that He really sees me that way. He sees me as his child. He sees me as sanctified, set apart for his service. I am His. It was a sweet whisper like the ones I scratched down listing all the blessings in Romans 8 that I heard in a podcast the other day (the following is copy and pasted from this transcript)

8:1 In Christ, you are free from eternal condemnation.
8:2 You are free from the damning curse and power of sin.
8:3 I executed the penalty for your sin in the crucified flesh of my Son.
8:4 The Holy Spirit is fulfilling in you the demands of my law summed up in love.
8:6 The power of the Holy Spirit in your soul gives life and peace.
8:7–8 Apart from the Holy Spirit, you are in bondage to the flesh and cannot please me.
8:9 But you are not in the flesh. My Spirit is in you, and you are the possession of my son Jesus Christ.
8:10–11 My Spirit in you will one day give life to your mortal bodies in the resurrection.
8:12 Your only debt in life is to live by the power of the Holy Spirit.
8:13 That power is the only means by which you can kill your sin.
8:14 All who are thus led by my Spirit to kill sin show that they are my sons.
8:15 My indwelling Spirit is the spirit of adoption, wakening the cry from your heart, "Abba Father."
8:16 This is my witness with your spirit that you are my children.
8:17 As my children, you are my heirs and will share my glory after a life of groaning with me in this fallen world.
8:18 But that groaning is not worth comparing to the glory that you will see and share.
8:19 The whole broken creation waits to receive its glorification when you receive your glorification. Yours will be hers, not the other way around.
8:20 I subjected the creation to its present futility with a hope-filled purpose.
8:21 One day, this entire creation will attain its own freedom and glory after and from and for my glorious children.
8:22 It is as if the whole creation were heaving with the labors of immanent birth.
8:23 Even the Spirit-indwelt followers of my Son groan in your aging, disease-ridden bodies with these same hopeful birth pangs, as you await the fullness of the privileges of your adoption, the resurrection of your glorified bodies.
8:24–25 Since you are saved — not fully already but only in hope — you wait with patience through all of your sufferings.
8:26 When you don't know how to pray in your sufferings, my Spirit prays for you through your very groanings.
8:27 I never mistake my Spirit's meaning, but respond always for your good.
8:28 But one thing you do know: I work everything for the good of those who love me and are called according to my purpose.
8:29 From eternity I took note of you, acknowledged you, chose you, and destined you infallibly to magnify my Son by becoming like him as the great firstborn.
8:30 I forged in eternity the unbreakable links of the chain: predestined, called, justified, glorified so that at no point is any of my elect ever lost.
8:31 Manifestly then, I am for you! No one can successfully oppose us.
8:32 I gave my own Son to save you. And so, with the hardest act behind me, nothing can stop me from giving you everything you need to enjoy me forever.
8:33 When I, the judge of the universe, count you righteous, and acquit you in the court of the universe, no charge, from any adversary, can stick.
8:34 To secure this vindication, Christ Jesus died, rose, reigns, and intercedes for you before me.
8:35 Therefore nothing can separate you from the love of Christ — not tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword.
8:36 You may be slaughtered like sheep — indeed somewhere in this world you are always being killed.
8:37 But no. Even in your slaughter — or any other demise — your loss becomes your gain, and your enemies become your servants.
8:38–39 Therefore you may be sure — you should be sure, how can you not be sure — that "neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate [you] from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Thank you God that You have a plan and a purpose in my life, for my life and you aren't giving up on me. Please help me to be faithful follower you.

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