Monday, October 19, 2015

5 Minutes in October: Honor


Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬)

This is totally not where I wanted to go with honor but God kept bringing this verse to mind.

There are lots of things we are supposed to honor God with and our wealth is one of them.

I've not been doing that very well. We're living pretty much within our means, living similar to how we lived on medical school and before when our income was much smaller but we've not formally set a budget since starting residency and we have not been purposeful with the resources we've been entrusted with. Yes, we've tithed and given extra money here and there and we know everything we have is God's and try to live as stewards but without a budget it is hard to be truly purposeful and intentional with what we have. I have not been honoring God with my wealth.

Not just in finances either... the time, talents and testimony He's given me, I need to start honoring Him with them more as well. I don't always give Him the best part but I should. It's all His and He deserves it.

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