I got tagged on facebook to write 25 random things about me and thought I would post them here as well.
1. I never ate onions until after I married Glenn now I can't cook without them!!
2. I lived in 2 places from birth to when I got married and 13 places in the 9 1/2 years since then (*though I did live in the one bedroom apartment I lived in as a baby with my hubby and 4 kids for 10 months and the house that I grew up in for 4 months so I guess I have only lived in 13 places total). 1707c, 3615, *0783, 1310, mini mart, Aldermans, Alan's, Christensens, 1304a, *1314b, 1090, Lishawas, our current little house.
3. I loved the 3 months from August 26-November 26 of 2008 because I could say my kids were 2, 4, 6, and 8! I truly think that this is the easiest stage in my parenting ever - no more diapers, everyone sleeps through the night and we haven't gotten to the teen/tween issues yet!
4. I homeschool my kids. Caleb is in 3rd grade this year and Hannah is in 1st.
5. I would love to write a book someday.
6. I bake most of our bread. My two favorite recipes are Oatmeal Bread and French Bread.
7. I love Wegmans reusable shopping bags.
8. I am a messie and tired of it so I am trying to get more organized this year.
9. I love camping (except for trying to get out of the tent in the middle of the night!)
10. I went to 3 colleges and still graduated with my BS in only 4 years.
11. I am really praying Glenn gets into medical school this year because I am so tired of this waiting game but I am so thankful for all that God has taught me through these last 4+ years!
12. I really miss the Tuesday morning Bible study I went to at the Waterloo Rec when we lived there!
13. Both of my parents are in heaven with my Gram who was like a 2nd mom to me and my Savior Jesus Christ who I can't wait to meet in person!
14. I want to be an oak tree follower of Christ - with deep roots firmly grounded in God's Word and a strong trunk that is not easily swayed by winds or trials. (thanks Linda Dillow for that illustration that I just re-read this morning).
15. Speaking of Linda Dillow, the two books that have changed my life the most besides the Bible are books by her - Calm my Anxious Heart and Creative Counterpart.
16. I played piano and flute growing up and would love to learn how to play the guitar.
17. I love cooking healthy meals for my family and would love to teach others how through my direct sales business but need to get shows booked in order to do that. Ugg, I hate the phone!
18. I love the model of mentoring set up in Titus 2. I would love to have a mentor (and be one) but because we move so much I have never made the commitment.
19. I am addicted to facebook.
20. I love the Strong Museum of Play (especially the Berenstein Bears part!)
21. I love North Baptist Church and can understand why someone would want to move to Rochester just to be a part of it and am very sad that we will have to leave it someday!
22. I LOVE books so the libraries of the Monroe County Library System are some of my favorite places! There are regularly over 50 books on my card and it is NOT the kids fault - though they love books because of their parents.
23. This has been the first successful week of homeschooling that we have had all year and it is all do to a right attitude from the teacher (mom) a little planning, and checklists (that are the bad guy instead of mom).
24. My favorite food is Hawaiian Haystacks.
25. I hope that I never forget that this world is not my home, I'm just a passing through even when I have lived in one place for over 2 years!
Well, there's 25 random things.