Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bike Ride, Pit Crew Day, Wishy's, and the Drive-In

The weather has been nice this weekend and we have had a bit of a chance to get out and enjoy it.

Friday night we went for a family bike ride. There were 10 of us all together because 4 friends came with us (or we joined their family bike ride, not really sure). It was our first bike ride as a family this season. We hadn't really gone on a family bike ride this year because we didn't have a bike for Hannah. (Her sisters have grown and each moved up in bike sizes and the bike we have for her is still in Syracuse being fixed by a friend.) Thankfully our friends had one that she could borrow. (It was a little too big for her but she made it work.) We went for 7 miles and all the kids did pretty good.
Our Route
  On Saturday we went to "Pit Crew Day" which is something that the kids had really been looking forward to. Since moving here to Lowville the kids have started going to AWANA at a church about 15 minutes away. They are having the Grand Prix (a pinewood derby race) soon and they had the man who made their track come and bring some tools so that the kids (and parents!) could have help making their cars. It is amazing how much easier it is to shape the cars with a jig saw, power sander and a jeweler's tool.

Hannah and Abigail watching their cars being sawed
Glenn sanding a car
After Pit Crew day we took the kids to Wishy's since they hadn't been there yet. We each got baby cones in different flavors so we each got a chance to try 6 different flavors :)
After enjoying our ice cream we decided to take a walk on the tracks nearby and see who could make it the farthest. It was fun because two tracks intersected there near where there used to be a train station.
Saturday night we decided to go to the movies because The Avengers was still playing at Valley Brook Drive-In in Lyons Falls. We wanted to experience the drive-in and didn't really know of any other movie coming up this summer that we'd really want to see. It $5 for people over 12, $1 for 7-11 year olds and anyone under 7 is free so all of us got to watch the movie for $13 (I don't think that Glenn and I could have gone to the movies for that little at a normal theater). We could have stuck around to watch The Three Stooges too but chose not to because it was so late and we weren't really sure what it was like. When we got there we saw that next week they are showing The Pirates which is another movie that we were interested in seeing so we may go back on Friday night to watch it and watch The Avengers again.

Today (Sunday) we went out and had another adventure but there are too many pictures from it to add to this post so I'll have to give it it's own blog post :)


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    How Cool! The AWANA Missionaries for your group are the same as ours! They're old North people - I grew up with her - she's older, but her mom was my teacher at school - wonderful people - Doug & Cindy Schoenhit! small town living! I have to admit, Joe & I started looking for an English teaching position for me up in the North country - it looks good. Can't believe how much Hannah looks like you! Blessing beautiful family!
    PS - NEVER would have figured you for the quiet one! LOL!

    1. I guess that I am kind of an advertisement for living in the North Country lately. I have just decided to make the most of living where ever we are. Living here has been fun though ;)

      I'll be praying for direction for you guys!


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