Sunday, May 06, 2012

Beautifying Lowville

Today, as we were going on our walk around the block, we were kicking and picking dandelions and got the idea to try to use them to beautify Lowville because all of the street signs we walk past have holes in them.
Our first attempt - you can't see them all that well when tucked in the inside of the pole
Pole #2

It looks a little funny from the back!
 I tried to convince the girls that they should use dandelions as their flowers for their weddings so they came walking up to me singing, "Do do do-do, do do do-do."

Our trail looked a bit like Hansel and Gretel as flowers dropped out of the kids' hands.

This one was particularly fun because it had double holes :)
The man who lives by this stop sign asked if we'd keep fresh flowers in it all season for him :)

another bridesmaid shot

Caleb said that we should do this again next week to decorate for Mother's Day.

It's so much fun being a part of this family! Many of the cars slowed down as they passed us wondering what we were doing. (I can't help but wonder how many people see us out on a regular basis and wonder what silliness we are up to now.) As the dandelions look wilty later in the week we'll take them all down but, for now, many of the street signs around our block are yellow :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Our friend Kina suspected it was us that did it


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