Saturday, February 18, 2012

We aren't going to be homeless this time.... Lord willing

We got news yesterday that the hospital is going to sign a lease for us on a 3 bedroom duplex in Lowville for 4/1/12-1/31/13 for us. Yay! The duplex is in town so it's close to the hospital and lots of things should be walking distance for the homeschooling family at home. It also has a front and back yard. I'm grateful. Most likely I won't have any idea what it looks like, at least the inside, until we pull up with our truck (which will be a new experience for us) but I'm so glad that housing is no longer up in the air. Address number 17 has been located :)

Thank you God for always taking care of us and thank You for the hospital taking care of our housing for those 10 months! You are so good!!

Now.... I need to start selling stuff on craigslist, throwing stuff out, giving stuff away and packing!

Thanks to all of you who have been praying with us about our housing!

1 comment:

  1. Great news! What a blessing. I can't wait to see pictures of the new place. :)


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