Saturday, June 28, 2008
On the Lighter Side
My posts have been too heavy lately... so here are some of the other side that have been going on...
You know you have a big gas tank when....
Our friend Karen let us borrow her little SUV while she is in CA working at a camp this summer. We've only used it a couple of times but it was getting low so I thought I would go and fill it up and put gas in it. It was pretty close to E. I put in my card and started filling up and it stopped at $50 something. What?? I was so excited! I think that 4 years ago when we bought the Burb we filled up for $50 something once when we were in GA. I have not filled the Burb yet this year. The pumps stop at $75 and then you have to re-insert your credit card. I don't bother. I just pray that that $75 will last us a long time and just drive around until I have to put another $75 in which I usually have to do twice a month (and we hardly drive anywhere - except this month with all the extra planned and unplanned trips.) I was super excited to fill up for just over $50 - Karen will probably be disgusted that it cost that much :)
A sandy seat...
A couple weeks ago when Glenn was working on a Sunday Caleb skipped Sunday School and went to jump in Lake Ontario with Brian. I didn't have his swim suit in the car so he just went in the shorts that he wore to church. After they dried they were put into the dirty clothes to be washed but as I was pulling the darks out to be washed and noticed Caleb's shorts in there I was disgusted b/c from what I could remember he had only worn them to church so they were definitely clean enough to wear again so I put them on his bed to wear to church. When he got home from church he told me that when he looked at the chair that he had sat on in Sunday School there was a pile of sand there and I remembered... he had worn those shorts in the lake! We all had a good laugh at my expense.
Bomber Man...
Kristina came over and helped me sort/ pack the kids' room on Wednesday and in that process we found "Bomber Man." They are cute little marble shooters that I think are Japanese that we bought off the Chamberlain's garage sale when they were leaving Houghton. We only really get them out when we are moving but they are super fun toys. The kids have been having a blast playing Bomber Man but watch out... the marbles hurt when you step on them!
The Ultimate Mandolin...
I think that it was worth starting my business for that one item. This morning we had strawberries on our pancakes and I had Hannah cut up the strawberries with the mandolin and it worked great. I would never have been able to have my 5 year old cut strawberries before I had it and she had so much fun doing it! After slicing the strawberries I washed it and sliced apples to put on the dryer for Caleb's specialty - dried apples. I love that thing!! It slices everything so evenly and has saved me tons of hours in the kitchen!!
And finally, beautiful beach...
Here is a picture of a beach in Dominica called Batibou that I stole from a spouse of a Ross student's blog. It's pretty! Makes you want to go there, eh?? Swimming is the thing that the kids are most excited about if we go to Ross.
You know you have a big gas tank when....
Our friend Karen let us borrow her little SUV while she is in CA working at a camp this summer. We've only used it a couple of times but it was getting low so I thought I would go and fill it up and put gas in it. It was pretty close to E. I put in my card and started filling up and it stopped at $50 something. What?? I was so excited! I think that 4 years ago when we bought the Burb we filled up for $50 something once when we were in GA. I have not filled the Burb yet this year. The pumps stop at $75 and then you have to re-insert your credit card. I don't bother. I just pray that that $75 will last us a long time and just drive around until I have to put another $75 in which I usually have to do twice a month (and we hardly drive anywhere - except this month with all the extra planned and unplanned trips.) I was super excited to fill up for just over $50 - Karen will probably be disgusted that it cost that much :)
A sandy seat...
A couple weeks ago when Glenn was working on a Sunday Caleb skipped Sunday School and went to jump in Lake Ontario with Brian. I didn't have his swim suit in the car so he just went in the shorts that he wore to church. After they dried they were put into the dirty clothes to be washed but as I was pulling the darks out to be washed and noticed Caleb's shorts in there I was disgusted b/c from what I could remember he had only worn them to church so they were definitely clean enough to wear again so I put them on his bed to wear to church. When he got home from church he told me that when he looked at the chair that he had sat on in Sunday School there was a pile of sand there and I remembered... he had worn those shorts in the lake! We all had a good laugh at my expense.
Bomber Man...
Kristina came over and helped me sort/ pack the kids' room on Wednesday and in that process we found "Bomber Man." They are cute little marble shooters that I think are Japanese that we bought off the Chamberlain's garage sale when they were leaving Houghton. We only really get them out when we are moving but they are super fun toys. The kids have been having a blast playing Bomber Man but watch out... the marbles hurt when you step on them!
The Ultimate Mandolin...
I think that it was worth starting my business for that one item. This morning we had strawberries on our pancakes and I had Hannah cut up the strawberries with the mandolin and it worked great. I would never have been able to have my 5 year old cut strawberries before I had it and she had so much fun doing it! After slicing the strawberries I washed it and sliced apples to put on the dryer for Caleb's specialty - dried apples. I love that thing!! It slices everything so evenly and has saved me tons of hours in the kitchen!!
And finally, beautiful beach...
Here is a picture of a beach in Dominica called Batibou that I stole from a spouse of a Ross student's blog. It's pretty! Makes you want to go there, eh?? Swimming is the thing that the kids are most excited about if we go to Ross.
It's a New Day
God has been working in my heart and my life. As I started Thessalonians this morning God reminded me that He has given me so much grace. God's Riches At Christ's Expense. Everything that we have is from Him and He is so good. I was also reminded that peace will only come from Him. I can't do it on my own but He is so faithful.
We haven't done our kids devotional that we usually read after breakfast and before school in a while but I got it down today. The story was about a boy who shot and killed himself because people made fun of him because he had a long nose and he thought he would never get a wife as a result. The passage was from Philippians 1:20-26. Which talks about Paul's struggle with his desire to die to be with Christ but it being more necessary for him to live because that would mean fruitful labor for Him. We talked about Grandpa Roger and how he had wanted to die for a long time - both b/c he wanted to be with Christ and b/c he was tired of his body that didn't work anymore and for the last 5 years b/c mom was already there. I had talked about this passage with Dad several times over the years. I know that God had a reason for keeping him alive. We talked about how dad was always passing out Gideon New Testaments and how just a few days before he died he was at the Memorial Day parade in town giving them out to people. God may have wanted him to live that long so that someone at the parade could get one of those NTs and come to know Christ as a result. It may have been God's will for dad to die how he did so that He could get His Word into the hands of the emergency personnel that had responded to the call. How I long for the cry of my heart to be "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." God reminded me this morning of how important it is that to go on living in the flesh means fruitful labor for me. That hasn't been my focus. I have been so depressed and overwhelmed lately that I haven't been focused on really living. "Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." Oh Lord, please help me to have joy that overflows that only comes from you and not to focus on my circumstances but to focus on being faithful today with the tasks you set before me.
Caleb mentioned this song that we sing at North and that it reminds him of Grandpa Roger at the end of devotions this morning. We looked up the lyrics online and sang it with the Vertical Worship CD. I love this song too.
In Christ Alone
In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this Solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love! What depths of peace!
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All-in-All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His, and He is mine,
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!
We haven't done our kids devotional that we usually read after breakfast and before school in a while but I got it down today. The story was about a boy who shot and killed himself because people made fun of him because he had a long nose and he thought he would never get a wife as a result. The passage was from Philippians 1:20-26. Which talks about Paul's struggle with his desire to die to be with Christ but it being more necessary for him to live because that would mean fruitful labor for Him. We talked about Grandpa Roger and how he had wanted to die for a long time - both b/c he wanted to be with Christ and b/c he was tired of his body that didn't work anymore and for the last 5 years b/c mom was already there. I had talked about this passage with Dad several times over the years. I know that God had a reason for keeping him alive. We talked about how dad was always passing out Gideon New Testaments and how just a few days before he died he was at the Memorial Day parade in town giving them out to people. God may have wanted him to live that long so that someone at the parade could get one of those NTs and come to know Christ as a result. It may have been God's will for dad to die how he did so that He could get His Word into the hands of the emergency personnel that had responded to the call. How I long for the cry of my heart to be "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." God reminded me this morning of how important it is that to go on living in the flesh means fruitful labor for me. That hasn't been my focus. I have been so depressed and overwhelmed lately that I haven't been focused on really living. "Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." Oh Lord, please help me to have joy that overflows that only comes from you and not to focus on my circumstances but to focus on being faithful today with the tasks you set before me.
Caleb mentioned this song that we sing at North and that it reminds him of Grandpa Roger at the end of devotions this morning. We looked up the lyrics online and sang it with the Vertical Worship CD. I love this song too.
In Christ Alone
In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this Solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love! What depths of peace!
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All-in-All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His, and He is mine,
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
New Information
Psalm 143 “Hear my prayer, O Lord; answer my plea, because you are faithful to your promises… I remember the glorious miracles you did in days of long ago. I reach out for you. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Come quickly, Lord, and answer me, for my depression deepens; don’t turn from me or I shall die. Let me see your kindness to me in the morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for my prayer is sincere… Help me to do your will, for you are my God. Lead me in good paths, for your Spirit is good….”
Throughout the month of June we have been longing to hear back from the University of Rochester School of Medicine that Glenn has been accepted for a seat in the class of 2012. Yesterday we got a letter from them informing us that though they felt he was very well qualified they were not going to be able to give him a seat because the waiting list was not moving and enough seats were not going to open up. It hurts. We really wanted to stay here in Rochester for so many reasons but we know that our God who provided so much for us here will provide all we need where ever He leads us.
* that we no longer have to wonder if we are staying in Rochester .
* God’s faithfulness and how He comforts us through His Word and our friends.
* the Lishawas are willing to let us move in with them temporarily.
* our wonderful community group who has been providing meals occasionally and lots of love and support – we are going to miss them!
* I don’t have to worry about missing my dad’s funeral while I am out of the country.
* Acceptance to Ross (we would prefer to get into the September class but it may not be until January.)
* wisdom about what to take, what to keep, and what to get rid of.
* Family unity and growth as we start this new adventure together.
* Time management and wisdom getting everything done that needs to get done in the time before we go.
* a place to store our “keep” stuff.
*24 gallon Action packers (a plastic Rubbermaid container, really strong and lockable. These will be our luggage if we can find them at an affordable price.)
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for being completely trustworthy. Thank You for having my best interest at heart, even when the path to obedience seems scary. Help me to take the next step of faith, even when I don’t see where I’m going. I will choose to trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
My Favorite Quote
This is my favorite quote. It is on my fridge and I read it at least once a day. I still don't have it memorized yet though. I got it from a great book by Linda Dillow called Calm My Anxious Heart. I highly recommend this book!
In time of trouble, say, "First, he brought me here. It is by his will I am in this strait place; in that I will rest." Next, "He will keep me here in his love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as his child." Then say, "He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons he intends me to learn, and working in me the grace he means to bestow." And last, say, "In his good time he can bring me out again. How and when, he knows." Therefore, say, "I am here (1) by God's appointment, (2) in his keeping, (3) under his training, (4) for his time." ~Andrew Murray.
In time of trouble, say, "First, he brought me here. It is by his will I am in this strait place; in that I will rest." Next, "He will keep me here in his love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as his child." Then say, "He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons he intends me to learn, and working in me the grace he means to bestow." And last, say, "In his good time he can bring me out again. How and when, he knows." Therefore, say, "I am here (1) by God's appointment, (2) in his keeping, (3) under his training, (4) for his time." ~Andrew Murray.
Anniversary... Packing... Tears
There were tears this morning as I wrote the date. Today would have been my parents 32nd wedding anniversary. I know that there is no marriage in heaven so I doubt it would be recognized by anyone but us down here. At least my dad doesn't have to go through another June 25th here without her. Yesterday my mom would have been 57. I miss them so much but I am so thankful that they don't have to deal with the physical problems that they were both having down here. It does make me homesick for heaven even more so though. One thing that makes June 24th bearable for me is that it is also Glenn's mom's birthday so at least I get to wish someone "Happy birthday." (she's not nearly as old as my mom would have been though :) - I love you mom - thanks for being such a great one - it was good talking to you yesterday morning - I wish you weren't so far away!)
Yesterday I finally really started packing. There were some tears b/c I am not sure when I will see this stuff again. (God is also showing me that I am too attached to my stuff!) I went through my kitchen and only packed things that I definitely want to keep and I am certain that I won't be taking with me to Dominica. It only amounted to 3 boxes so far. It was hard b/c there were small spots that usually when packing I throw dry goods into but I am not storing dry goods for 3 months - 4 years... Oh, the unknown. God is working in my heart. He is making me more OK with the idea of moving to Dominica everyday. He has shown me that I can trust Him... He will work out the details in His time and provide everything that I need when I need it. Today a friend is coming over to help me attack the kids room and Glenn is going to take the kids somewhere. Hopefully there will be good reports at the end of the day.
I have been crying a lot lately... sometimes for real reasons and sometimes I just don't know why. I have been reading through the Psalms and boy have they been a comfort. It has made me realize that: (1) it is OK to be in despair and (2) that my God is faithful and He will help me through and (3) that God is so worthy to be praised - He has done so many great things for me.
Yesterday I finally really started packing. There were some tears b/c I am not sure when I will see this stuff again. (God is also showing me that I am too attached to my stuff!) I went through my kitchen and only packed things that I definitely want to keep and I am certain that I won't be taking with me to Dominica. It only amounted to 3 boxes so far. It was hard b/c there were small spots that usually when packing I throw dry goods into but I am not storing dry goods for 3 months - 4 years... Oh, the unknown. God is working in my heart. He is making me more OK with the idea of moving to Dominica everyday. He has shown me that I can trust Him... He will work out the details in His time and provide everything that I need when I need it. Today a friend is coming over to help me attack the kids room and Glenn is going to take the kids somewhere. Hopefully there will be good reports at the end of the day.
I have been crying a lot lately... sometimes for real reasons and sometimes I just don't know why. I have been reading through the Psalms and boy have they been a comfort. It has made me realize that: (1) it is OK to be in despair and (2) that my God is faithful and He will help me through and (3) that God is so worthy to be praised - He has done so many great things for me.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Funnies from the Past
Packing up the desk I found these 4 little pieces of paper that I have moved with us more times than I would like to think about. I decided to type them up here to give people a laugh. They are notes from a speech I made in my public speaking class that I took at FLCC in the fall of 1997. Enjoy :)
"In the summer of 1965 the family of Ed and Jean Nelson took a 4 week family trip west. It was a lively 4 week adventure the summer after Alyce, the eldest of the 5 children graduated from high school. Stories of how 2 year old Paul had supposedly fallen into the Grand Canyon and great grandpa declaring [in his thick Swedish accent] "The sun came up in the vest dis morning" still fill family parties with laughter. Using their trip west as an example and seeking to carry on the tradition as children we'd made plans to make a similar trip 31 years later in the summer of 1996. As kids we thought it would be ideal because it would be the last family vacation before I went to college and both my brother and I would have our licenses and would be able to help drive.
As the years went by I figured that the trip would not happen and more and more I didn't want to go but.... the Gideons International Convention was planned for Anaheim, CA and we were on our way. I had dreamed of traveling in one of those plush travel trailers such as the ones that retired people travel in but the family business got a good deal on a '73 camper that was to be our home. With Timber Harvester Portable Bandsawmills plastered on the front and sides for advertisement we started off on July 14.
Bessy, named after the old mare, 'she ain't what she used to be,' took us to many well known as well as quite a few unknown tourist attractions thanks to her many breakdowns. It is some of these places that I would like to tell you about this evening.
Our first unplanned stop was in South Lebanon, Ohio. 2 of Bessy's 6 tired had blown on the second day of our excursion. We walked around while Elmer, a man who had just had bypass surgery 3 weeks before, changed our tired. It was a small town with not much to see. We were told by some of the local folks that we had a distinct NY accent.
Considering the fact that Bessy only averaged 6-7 miles per gallon we visited many gas stations. One very unique gas station was in Possum Junction in Kentucky. With every fill up you got a free plant. Ours lasted most of the trip but died on the way home.
Along with using lots of gas Bessy also required lots of oil. We visited WalMarts in many states to buy cases of oil. We spent a couple of nights parked in the WalMart parking lot waiting until morning when it would open and we could run insides for a couple cases of oil.
The summer of 1996 was the summer of the Olympics and the summer before the presidential election. As a faithful Republican my father thought it necessary to stop in Bob Dole's hometown of Russell, Kansas. We bought postcards and took pictures - Russell [my brother] in Russell.
The final challenge before reaching CA was the Mojave Desert. 119 degrees. Of course Bessy had no air conditioner so we used squirt bottles and ice pops to try to keep cool.
Anaheim KOA was right by the Disney Land parking lot and the Convention Center was on the other side. We never actually went to Disney Land on this trip but we did walk through the parking lot every day. It was neat to walk back to five 4th of July's in a row.
At the end of the convention we headed home. One of our stops was Yellowstone National Park. 4 Buffalo, a doe, 2 fawns, various other wildlife, gysers, Old Faithful 6pm, Great Griper 1st time in ~1 year.
SD interesting state... "Call of the Wild" taxidermy place, Wall Drug full of motorcyclists for Sturgis"
That ends my notes. The other thing I remember from the trip home besides being afraid of killing several Sturgis motorcyclists as Bessy's breaks went out coming down from Mount Rushmore is that my poor brother Russ got strep throat on the way home and we had to stop at a few different medical clinics on the way home. He lost 25 pounds and didn't really get to enjoy the sights because he was so sick.
Well, there is 4 more little pieces of paper to be recycled. Thanks for reading as I save this for posterity's sake. I hope someone got a chuckle out of it. Back to packing for me.
"In the summer of 1965 the family of Ed and Jean Nelson took a 4 week family trip west. It was a lively 4 week adventure the summer after Alyce, the eldest of the 5 children graduated from high school. Stories of how 2 year old Paul had supposedly fallen into the Grand Canyon and great grandpa declaring [in his thick Swedish accent] "The sun came up in the vest dis morning" still fill family parties with laughter. Using their trip west as an example and seeking to carry on the tradition as children we'd made plans to make a similar trip 31 years later in the summer of 1996. As kids we thought it would be ideal because it would be the last family vacation before I went to college and both my brother and I would have our licenses and would be able to help drive.
As the years went by I figured that the trip would not happen and more and more I didn't want to go but.... the Gideons International Convention was planned for Anaheim, CA and we were on our way. I had dreamed of traveling in one of those plush travel trailers such as the ones that retired people travel in but the family business got a good deal on a '73 camper that was to be our home. With Timber Harvester Portable Bandsawmills plastered on the front and sides for advertisement we started off on July 14.
Bessy, named after the old mare, 'she ain't what she used to be,' took us to many well known as well as quite a few unknown tourist attractions thanks to her many breakdowns. It is some of these places that I would like to tell you about this evening.
Our first unplanned stop was in South Lebanon, Ohio. 2 of Bessy's 6 tired had blown on the second day of our excursion. We walked around while Elmer, a man who had just had bypass surgery 3 weeks before, changed our tired. It was a small town with not much to see. We were told by some of the local folks that we had a distinct NY accent.
Considering the fact that Bessy only averaged 6-7 miles per gallon we visited many gas stations. One very unique gas station was in Possum Junction in Kentucky. With every fill up you got a free plant. Ours lasted most of the trip but died on the way home.
Along with using lots of gas Bessy also required lots of oil. We visited WalMarts in many states to buy cases of oil. We spent a couple of nights parked in the WalMart parking lot waiting until morning when it would open and we could run insides for a couple cases of oil.
The summer of 1996 was the summer of the Olympics and the summer before the presidential election. As a faithful Republican my father thought it necessary to stop in Bob Dole's hometown of Russell, Kansas. We bought postcards and took pictures - Russell [my brother] in Russell.
The final challenge before reaching CA was the Mojave Desert. 119 degrees. Of course Bessy had no air conditioner so we used squirt bottles and ice pops to try to keep cool.
Anaheim KOA was right by the Disney Land parking lot and the Convention Center was on the other side. We never actually went to Disney Land on this trip but we did walk through the parking lot every day. It was neat to walk back to five 4th of July's in a row.
At the end of the convention we headed home. One of our stops was Yellowstone National Park. 4 Buffalo, a doe, 2 fawns, various other wildlife, gysers, Old Faithful 6pm, Great Griper 1st time in ~1 year.
SD interesting state... "Call of the Wild" taxidermy place, Wall Drug full of motorcyclists for Sturgis"
That ends my notes. The other thing I remember from the trip home besides being afraid of killing several Sturgis motorcyclists as Bessy's breaks went out coming down from Mount Rushmore is that my poor brother Russ got strep throat on the way home and we had to stop at a few different medical clinics on the way home. He lost 25 pounds and didn't really get to enjoy the sights because he was so sick.
Well, there is 4 more little pieces of paper to be recycled. Thanks for reading as I save this for posterity's sake. I hope someone got a chuckle out of it. Back to packing for me.
Growing in the Unknown
Why is it that God grows you most when you live in the unknown, when you have nowhere to look but up? I don't know but He is really working on me. So many thoughts go through my mind. So many desires, so many questions... I called our landlord on Monday to make sure that they got our letter telling them that we would be out at the end of our lease and got a voicemail back informing me that they had an appointment to show our apartment on Tuesday morning - YIKES! Our apartment was totally not in any state to be shown... between my depression from the unknown coupled with dad's death, coupled with my hatred of packing and my messiness in general. Thankfully I have a friend who has been a lifesaver the last couple of weeks who just happens to be taking a night class at MCC just down the street who didn't really have anything going on for the afternoon. In a couple hours of teamwork at least my floors were found and swept. Having a cleaner house will hopefully also help me to get packing easier. But how do I pack? I have no idea what a "furnished" apartment in Dominica contains... what do I bring? Obviously since we haven't heard from U or R that is how we have to plan... though we haven't heard from Ross either... Please God, move faster! I got an email yesterday called The Navigator and the Map. I think that this is really what God is impressing on my heart... it was all good and I've linked to it if you want to read the whole thing but here are a couple paragraphs:
"Our job as Jesus' followers: trust in the Lord (not in the map), delight yourself in the Lord (not in the map), commit your way to the Lord. Just as I ask my wife, "What's next, honey?" You and I just stay close to our Lord and say, "What's next, Lord? Where's the next step?" My wife doesn't usually tell me the next five turns we're going to need to take; all I really need is to know the next step. That's how your divine Navigator wants to take you through this next phase of the journey, showing you one next step or one turn at a time.
In changing seasons or uncertain seasons, we tend to focus on God's will - that perfect cosmic plan that seems like such a massive mystery. But the focus isn't supposed to be on the plan, but on the Planner - not on the map, but the Navigator. It's easy for God to show you what He wants you to do; it's hard to get you to do what He wants. So these times of choice and challenge are designed to draw you deeper into Him, to motivate you to spend greater amounts of time in God's Word and in God's presence, to get you to release your schemes and dreams so He can lead you into His, to sensitize you to recognize and obey those inner promptings of His Holy Spirit."
My focus needs to be Him, not my problems. One verse that I have been praying constantly lately is 2Chron.20:12b "nor do we know what do to, but our eyes are on you." Be faithful today... be faithful today... that is all He ever calls me to do. Please help me Lord to be faithful today.
"Our job as Jesus' followers: trust in the Lord (not in the map), delight yourself in the Lord (not in the map), commit your way to the Lord. Just as I ask my wife, "What's next, honey?" You and I just stay close to our Lord and say, "What's next, Lord? Where's the next step?" My wife doesn't usually tell me the next five turns we're going to need to take; all I really need is to know the next step. That's how your divine Navigator wants to take you through this next phase of the journey, showing you one next step or one turn at a time.
In changing seasons or uncertain seasons, we tend to focus on God's will - that perfect cosmic plan that seems like such a massive mystery. But the focus isn't supposed to be on the plan, but on the Planner - not on the map, but the Navigator. It's easy for God to show you what He wants you to do; it's hard to get you to do what He wants. So these times of choice and challenge are designed to draw you deeper into Him, to motivate you to spend greater amounts of time in God's Word and in God's presence, to get you to release your schemes and dreams so He can lead you into His, to sensitize you to recognize and obey those inner promptings of His Holy Spirit."
My focus needs to be Him, not my problems. One verse that I have been praying constantly lately is 2Chron.20:12b "nor do we know what do to, but our eyes are on you." Be faithful today... be faithful today... that is all He ever calls me to do. Please help me Lord to be faithful today.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
My New Prayer Request
I don't know how or if you are praying for us. I know I have prayed for many things over the past few months... wisdom and direction of what we should do and where we should live in the fall. I have prayed that God would allow Glenn a seat in U of R's medical class for the year 2012. I have prayed that God would work faster and let us know now which way we are going to go. This week the Lord has challenged me to change my prayer. I am still working through Colossians in my quiet time in the mornings. This week I got to Colossians 4:2-4 "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak." I am sure that I have never asked any of you to pray for me like Paul asked the Colossians to pray for him but I am asking you now. I know that no matter where we end up God will take care of us. He has proved that again and again. He will work out the details of our housing and schooling and finances. I am praying that I will be faithful with the 'door for the word, that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ.' No matter where I live, whether it be in Rochester, Dominica, or some other place we haven't even thought of the most important thing that we will do there is reach out to others with the hope of Christ to a world that is hopeless. Please pray for us also that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we might speak forth the mystery of Christ. We appreciate your prayers!
In other news we got the kids passports in the mail this week. I also posted pictures on facebook today. Here are pictures from May which include pictures from when Steph and Brody visited and here are pictures from the calling hours and Kendra's visit.
In other news we got the kids passports in the mail this week. I also posted pictures on facebook today. Here are pictures from May which include pictures from when Steph and Brody visited and here are pictures from the calling hours and Kendra's visit.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Press On
Wow... it has been a long week. One week ago right now I got a call from my aunt AmyJo sharing with me the news of dad's passing on to glory and we started letting the kids know and getting them ready to head to Waterloo. It was a good week, hard but good. It was good to see old friends and relatives I hadn't seen in a while and meet other people whom I had never met who's lives my dad's life had had an impact on. It was amazing to me the number of people who came up to me that said that they hadn't really seen or talked to my dad in years but in the last two weeks of his life they saw him at church, or at the parade, or at dialysis or somewhere out and about and had a brief conversation with him that had impacted them. I'm glad that he was so 'healthy' during his last two weeks of life. It was also good to have a few good conversations with my dad's widow. I'm sorry she never really knew my dad because he was so sick for all of their relationship. It was also good to see my half sisters from Texas. They are so precious to me. Also, besides my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who were such a blessing, my Seneca Community Church family was also. All the emails and wall posts, especially the prayers. I ache but I know that I made it through this week because of the prayers of those who love me.
But still... I struggle. Now that it is 'all over,' now what? Before heading to church on Sunday I was really needing help from the Lord and He gave me Psalm 46. I think that Glenn read it at mom's funeral 5 years ago. It was one of her favorites:
1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.
6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has made desolations in the earth.
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
God is my refuge, the place I can run to and be safe, and He is my strength. He has been faithful and He will remain. I have slept through the night the last couple of nights which has been good. Yesterday morning after reading my Bible I was still struggling so I got out a hymn book. Singing through a hymn book is always faith bolstering to me. So many songs, reminding me of God's faithfulness, His provision, His comfort, His love. I'm struggling, not just with losing my dad but the uncertainty of things like, where we'll be living in 50 days when our lease is up and what we'll be doing in the fall and things like that. One song that God really used in my heart yesterday morning was "I'd Rather Have Jesus." God really asked me, "Would you?" "Would you rather have Jesus than anything 'this world affords today?'" As I was sharing it with Glenn we came up with a new version of the first verse of the song, "I'd rather have Jesus than acceptance to U of R; I'd rather have Jesus than a new car; I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands; I'd rather be lead by His nail-pierced hands." He truly is "all that my hungering spirit needs" and I can trust Him and let Him lead.
We took Kendra to the train station last night for her to head back home. It was nice to have my sisters-in-law visit but I am looking forward to getting back into some kind of a routine. I'm overwhelmed with our apartment which is a mess and the idea of packing again not knowing where we are going. God knows though and He only asks me to be faithful today... so today I will find my house and start packing relying on His strength and help to get me through. A song that Sue Schrader and Brenda Eastman sang at both of my parents' memorial services is "Press On" by Selah. This song always made my dad cry. God is using this song to help me today so I needed to look at the lyrics once again:
But still... I struggle. Now that it is 'all over,' now what? Before heading to church on Sunday I was really needing help from the Lord and He gave me Psalm 46. I think that Glenn read it at mom's funeral 5 years ago. It was one of her favorites:
1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.
6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has made desolations in the earth.
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
God is my refuge, the place I can run to and be safe, and He is my strength. He has been faithful and He will remain. I have slept through the night the last couple of nights which has been good. Yesterday morning after reading my Bible I was still struggling so I got out a hymn book. Singing through a hymn book is always faith bolstering to me. So many songs, reminding me of God's faithfulness, His provision, His comfort, His love. I'm struggling, not just with losing my dad but the uncertainty of things like, where we'll be living in 50 days when our lease is up and what we'll be doing in the fall and things like that. One song that God really used in my heart yesterday morning was "I'd Rather Have Jesus." God really asked me, "Would you?" "Would you rather have Jesus than anything 'this world affords today?'" As I was sharing it with Glenn we came up with a new version of the first verse of the song, "I'd rather have Jesus than acceptance to U of R; I'd rather have Jesus than a new car; I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands; I'd rather be lead by His nail-pierced hands." He truly is "all that my hungering spirit needs" and I can trust Him and let Him lead.
We took Kendra to the train station last night for her to head back home. It was nice to have my sisters-in-law visit but I am looking forward to getting back into some kind of a routine. I'm overwhelmed with our apartment which is a mess and the idea of packing again not knowing where we are going. God knows though and He only asks me to be faithful today... so today I will find my house and start packing relying on His strength and help to get me through. A song that Sue Schrader and Brenda Eastman sang at both of my parents' memorial services is "Press On" by Selah. This song always made my dad cry. God is using this song to help me today so I needed to look at the lyrics once again:
When the valley is deep
When the mountain is steep
When the body is weary
When we stumble and fall
When the choices are hard
When we're battered and scarred
When we've spent our resources
When we've given our all
In Jesus' name, we press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
Clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
I'm keeping my eyes on the prize, with His strength and in His name I press on.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Dancing on Two Good Legs
My daddy went home to be with Jesus yesterday morning. I have known for a long time that the day would come but wasn't really expecting it yesterday. I got up at 5:30 to spend time with God, have my cup of coffee and start my day. Glenn couldn't sleep so he was up at about 6:30 and we chatted about the many things that should be accomplished during the two days he had off this week. Going to Waterloo was not in the plans but that changed when I got a call from my Aunt AmyJo at about 7:15. Over the years I have gotten many calls from AmyJo and even before that from my mom about my dad. "He's back in the hospital," "His sugar is out of control again," "He's got an infection and they can't get his temperature down," "He has to have another surgery to remove a toe, a section of his foot, part of his leg, move his dialysis site...", all issues stemming from the complications of being a non-compliant diabetic for 30+ years. A few times the call has been "Sonja, I really think this is the time, you should come." So we would wake the kids up or carry them to the car and drive to see my dad in the ICU but he had more lives than a cat and in a few days, weeks or months he would bounce back. Just this weekend as I was talking to him he said he felt stronger and was able to exercise more and had a better appetite. Yesterday morning Teena went in to check on him and he wasn't responsive so she went down the hill to ask dad's brother Paul for help. When my 18 year old cousin Zach who is a volunteer firefighter and taking his EMT class got there he felt for a pulse and dad was still warm but there was no pulse. There was blood everywhere. What we guess happened was that he was itching at his dialysis site and somehow caused himself to start bleeding and he bled to death in his sleep. My uncle was there holding him as he passed on to glory with just about every emergency personnel from the area in his bedroom. He has been longing just to "go home" for ever so long. He was so tired of his body not working and the shots and the pills, the blood sugar and blood pressure checks and constant doctors appointments. Can you imagine going to sleep one night in pain with lots of medicine in your system with only one leg with hardly the strength to stand or walk and waking up in glory?? My daddy is dancing on two good legs. He's seen our Savior whom he loved so much face to face. He's been reacquainted with mom and so many others who have gone before trusting in Jesus and met so many of his heroes from the Bible.
I mourn but not as one with no hope. I know without a doubt that I will see my daddy again in heaven because I am trusting in Jesus Christ who paid the price for my sins just like he did. This morning as I read my Bible the verse I was on was talking about being obedient to your parents. I asked God, how can I be obedient to my parents when they aren't here? I was challenged to follow their godly example and seek to do the things that would have pleased them but ultimately to obey my Daddy in heaven. Yesterday morning I decided that I was an orphan but really, I'm not. I am a princess, a daughter of the King of kings and Lord or lords. My earthly daddy was flawed in many ways but my Heavenly Daddy loves me perfectly and will never leave me or forsake me.
I have to share my favorite story from yesterday. Every emergency response vehicle from the area was in my dad's driveway and many family members were there. After it was confirmed that my dad was dead the emergency workers were walking out of the house and trying to offer condolences to my grandparents and what did they see? How I wish I could have been there - My grandpa, a big white haired man in his eighties, with a huge grin on his face was passing them a New Testament thanking them for everything that they had done over the years. I think that they were a little surprised. That is not the normal response from someone who has just lost his son. My grandpa saw it as an awesome opportunity to get God's Word into their hands. Many of them would have definitely refused a copy of God's Word at any other time but how do you say no to a man who just lost his son? I am standing on Isa55:11 "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." That is how my daddy would have wanted it. He was just reprimanding my grandpa the other day for not taking New Testaments with him when he went to the replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial recently. With all those people mourning they need the hope that can only be found in God's Word so my grandpa is contacting Gideons in cities where it will be set up so that they can be there, ready with God's Word to help hurting people. My dad's legacy lives on.
I mourn but not as one with no hope. I know without a doubt that I will see my daddy again in heaven because I am trusting in Jesus Christ who paid the price for my sins just like he did. This morning as I read my Bible the verse I was on was talking about being obedient to your parents. I asked God, how can I be obedient to my parents when they aren't here? I was challenged to follow their godly example and seek to do the things that would have pleased them but ultimately to obey my Daddy in heaven. Yesterday morning I decided that I was an orphan but really, I'm not. I am a princess, a daughter of the King of kings and Lord or lords. My earthly daddy was flawed in many ways but my Heavenly Daddy loves me perfectly and will never leave me or forsake me.
I have to share my favorite story from yesterday. Every emergency response vehicle from the area was in my dad's driveway and many family members were there. After it was confirmed that my dad was dead the emergency workers were walking out of the house and trying to offer condolences to my grandparents and what did they see? How I wish I could have been there - My grandpa, a big white haired man in his eighties, with a huge grin on his face was passing them a New Testament thanking them for everything that they had done over the years. I think that they were a little surprised. That is not the normal response from someone who has just lost his son. My grandpa saw it as an awesome opportunity to get God's Word into their hands. Many of them would have definitely refused a copy of God's Word at any other time but how do you say no to a man who just lost his son? I am standing on Isa55:11 "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." That is how my daddy would have wanted it. He was just reprimanding my grandpa the other day for not taking New Testaments with him when he went to the replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial recently. With all those people mourning they need the hope that can only be found in God's Word so my grandpa is contacting Gideons in cities where it will be set up so that they can be there, ready with God's Word to help hurting people. My dad's legacy lives on.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Fortune Cookies
Yesterday we got take out for lunch after church. I love Chinese food and it is one thing that I just can't duplicate the taste of at home, no matter how hard I try. At the end of the meal we were eating our fortune cookies - I love those too. Glenn's said "Good news of a long-awaited event will arrive soon" and mine said "Do you believe? Endurance and perseverance will be rewarded." He looked at me and said "I wish fortune cookies were true." It made me think. I don't know how many times in the past I have thought that same thought. I have never had a fortune cookie that said "You are going to die" or "you are going to lose an important piece of paper." It is true, it will happen eventually, just like whatever else your fortune says on those little slips of paper. Not always when or how you think it will but it will happen. Even if my fortune doesn't come true how I want it to there are some other words written that will come true. I am reading through the Bible this year with The Daily Walk Bible from Walk Thru the Bible. It is really neat because it has "devotional helps to guide you through the Bible in one year." I've recently read through Job which was really helpful in guiding my perspective and now I am reading the Psalms. Today I am claiming Psalm 25, 28, and30 for Glenn. Again, I know that God will not always answer the way I expect or the way I want Him to but I know that His Word is true and I can trust Him.
In other news - Steph and Brody leave today after going to the Museum of Play with us again. It has been so much fun having them here! Here is a couple pictures of the kids together. I am sure that I will post more to facebook soon.
In other news - Steph and Brody leave today after going to the Museum of Play with us again. It has been so much fun having them here! Here is a couple pictures of the kids together. I am sure that I will post more to facebook soon.
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