We're Home. After a visit to see Glenn's parents and siblings in Lake Charles, LA at Port Mercy, Friend Ships' headquarters where Steve & Debbie live and volunteer. We were able to be there for about 2 1/2 weeks and had a great time helping out, sight seeing, and just hanging out. Highlights of our time in the south include: meeting up with Christa Cooley and Carla, Kristen, & Aubrey Hazel in Houston, TX (Picture below) when we arrived,
playing with Grandma & Grandpa Maas and cousin Brody, living on the 300 foot Spirit (pictured), making Christmas dinner for the crew, seeing how Tabasco sauce is made and bottled on Avery Island, checking out cool birds and an alligator on our scenic road trip, collecting specimen to look at under the microscope with Uncle Doug and Aunt Kendra, eating shish-ka-bobs at Mom and Dads new trailer with Doug and K, eating Louisiana food at Steam Boat Bills, touring the ship Grandpa and Grandma went to Haiti on, starting a ship engine with Grandpa, watching a 300 foot ship get turned around in a 320 foot wide river, and many other cool and exciting things. Some of the things specifically enjoyed by each of us were...
Hannah: see Grandma & Grandpa Maas, helping Theresa in the kitchen, sleep with Grandma & Grandpa Maas,
Caleb: I got to ride on the ship.
Lydia: To be announced...
Sonja: It was really nice not to have to cook and do dishes. I also got a lot of reading done which was so nice. It was fun to hang out with Glenn's family who we don't see very often.
Glenn: Seeing Mom and Dad, being all together and just getting to goof around. Working with Dad a little and getting to see the ships and what Mom and Dad do with
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