This morning I after getting up and doing my quiet time I ran to Wegmans because we needed groceries and I wanted to go without kids and before they woke up. I was planning on doing Aldis too and lollygagged at Wegmans waiting until 8 when I thought Aldis would be opened and when I got to Aldi they didn't open until 9. I was not going wait around for an hour for it to open so I ran back to Wegmans to get a couple of things that I hadn't gotten earlier and went home. (after stopping at McD's for a Mocha Frappe which we had a free coupon for - super yummy but NOT worth $2.29!)
While at Wegmans I bought some garbanzo beans because I have a new liking for hummus and when I got home I "had" to make pitas with a new recipe that I have been waiting for an opportunity to use. I think that I could eat pitas with hummus every day for lunch for the rest of my life and not get tired of it! Here are the recipes if you want to try this yumminess:
Pitas: (found this recipe somewhere online, my apologies to whomever I stole it from who deserves credit)
1T yeast
1 1/2C warm water
3C flour
1 1/4t salt
1t sugar
Knead 10-15 minutes. Put in greased bowl and make sure dough is greased on all sides. Raise until doubled (1 1/2- 3hrs). Roll into a rope, break off into 10-12 pieces into balls. Let sit 10 minutes while letting the over temp rise to 500 with a stone or flipped cookie sheet in it. Bake 3 minutes, flip and bake 3 more then store in a bag.
"Nippy Garbonzo Spread" (from More with Less Cookbook)
Saute: 1 onion in 2T margarine or olive oil
Combine in saucepan:
1 1/2C cooked chick peas (garbanzos) mashed or ground
sauteed onions
2 beaten eggs
Heat stirring until thickened and dry. Add to taste:
salt, cayenne, and mayonaise
We made a lot of noise because the smoke detector kept going off. I guess my oven is not used to being at 500 degrees. Making this will take some effort but as you can tell from Hannah's smile it is worth it!
In other news I am having a Cooking Show tonight at my house. I am planning on signing up to be a consultant so if you are interested in having a party or a catalog show contact me and you can get some great hostess benefits!