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Our "after we made it back out of the Grand Canyon" picture |
A- Abigail, Albuquerque, Arizona, apples, Angel Bright Trail, artifacts, adobe, Alsup, air pads, atlas, Albertsons, archeology
B- Bluewater Lake State Park, beds, Big Agnes, breakfasts: campside, street side, Easter and hotel, bacon, Basha's grocery store, Brunton stove, birds, buzzing insects, buttes, basket maker, baskets, botany lessons, Blue Mesa, badges, beautiful vistas, books, bill boards, bite valves, blue pots, BNSF train engines, bananas, bison, baby prairie dogs, Best Thai, brown sugar
C- Caleb, cattle, camping, icampgrounds, camelbacks, California license plates, Continental Divide, chicken, cattle guard, cows in the campground, cacti, cotton tail rabbit, coyote, Colorado River, condor, cattle shoots, Celeste & Luis watched Rahab for us, crop duster, Caprock Canyon State Park,
D- dogs, danger, deer, desert, donuts, dead wild hog
E- elk, early mornings, Easter, elk chasing rabbit, exit
F- forests, fossils, Fossil Walk Ranger talk, food, foreign languages heard, fauns, flowers in the desert, free petrified wood pieces, fly (of our tent) free nights, flexibility, fleeces, fried potatoes
G- Glenn, Grand Canyon, Golden Pride, Grand Caravan rental van, glass bottle Mountain Dews, geodes
H- Hannah, horses, hills, Homolavi Ruins State Park, Hopi art, Hopi Point, horse poop in our campsite, hot chocolate, Holbrook, hiking, hot, heat, He calmed the storm, hail AFTER we were off the trail, hand squeezed orange juice
I- ice cream, ice block, interstate, Indian roadside stands
J- Junior Ranger, juniper trees, Junior Ranger patches, jackrabbits, jelly, Jeff Myers CDs
K- kivas, Kendra's suggestion, knife- Caleb's new one, Keens
L- Lydia, Lydia fell in the Grand Canyon not into the Grand Canyon (PTL!!), Little Colorado River, license plate game, layers, library, lizards
M- mom, Mohave Point, Maas adventures, McDonald's parking lot- $4.20 for overnight parking and we got a free large fries, Mountain Dew, mesas, mule deer babies, mountains, mules
N- Navajo, necklaces, New Mexico, Nebula, nalgene, neon lights, National Parks and Monuments, nooks, National Geographic Store
O- Ortega's trading post, open range, Orange Line, orange juice, oranges, open late campgrounds, oatmeal
P- Petrified Forest National Park, petrified wood, Painted Desert, Painted Dessert Inn, Petroglyph National Monument, petroglyphs, Pizza Hut, pueblos, Park Pass, Paid Time Off, PBJs, pottery pieces, picnic area, patches, Park Rangers, parking spot, Ponderosa Pines, Peace Suplus, pairie dogs, Palo Duro Canyon State Park, plants
Q- quesidillas, Quitaque
R- railroad, Route 66, rim trail, red dust, ruins, rocks, ravens, Rainbow Forest Museum, rescue team on the trail down, rest areas, rain jackets, road runners, Rosa's Cafe, reading
S- shuttle buses, sage brush, schedule, showers, sunglasses, sunscreen, sunrises, sheep, Super 8, Smokey the Bear, sleeping bags, stars, spur of the moment, self pay stations, silversmith, scenic overlooks, strawberries, state parks, Sunset Crater National Monument, sausages, sunsets, singing
T- tourist traps, tortillas, tunnels (we made it to the 2nd one!), trees, Texas, tent sites, tooks, thrift stores, tumble weeds
U- umbrellas
V- van rental, visitor centers, vulture, vaulted toilets
W- water packs, water, washes, wind turbines, windmills, water fountains, wind, wool socks, Walnut Canyon National Monument
X- xantera
Y- yucca
Z- zipped together